It feels like the end can’t come quickly enough. George W. Bush — the lamest of ducks — will finally hand the keys to the White House to Barack Obama on January 20th.

Even in Bush’s waning days, the dire news continues to flow. Last week brought word that almost 2.6 million jobs were lost in 2008, the worst year on the job front since 1945. The bloodletting included more than 524,000 jobs cut in December alone. Happy holidays. As Bush was packing the moving van, unemployment swelled to 7.2 percent, its highest mark in 16 years. No, the fundamentals of our economy are not strong.

Bush’s approval ratings are currently hovering below 30 percent in most polls, nothing new for a nation used to seeing the phrase “record low” in virtually every assessment of public opinion of the president. At this point, it’s hard to believe that Bush won’t be escorted out of Washington by torch-wielding villagers.

But hey, it wasn’t all bad. Face it, the man could make us laugh (when we weren’t crying). The guffaws were hardly intentional, of course, but these days, we’ll take levity any way we can get it. He choked on a pretzel, fell off a Segway and scared away small children (oh, and he also declared a premature end to a war that still rages on).

So we’re sharing our most memorable moments with George, magical morsels of the misunderestimated one that we’ll fondly recall long after he stumbles off into the sunset:

President Bush, Thanks for the Memories

Bush Apologizes: The Farewell Interview We Wish He’d Give

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